Employee Retention: Looking After Existing Staff Might Be An Ace Up the Sleeve

In today’s highly competitive talent market, companies are employing a range of different activities to attract the best talent. Despite this, the number of unfilled vacancies remains tremendously high.

This further emphasises the need for focusing on looking after and retaining existing employees. The advantages of nurturing and retaining talent already within an organisation include a thriving and harmonious organisation and a reduction in the demands of onboarding and training new starters.

“Focusing on retention is a sensible approach to combatting the expensive competition for talent,” writes David Macfarlane, Head of Employer Brand & Insight at PeopleScout. “Current market conditions place power disproportionately in the hands of candidates. But deciding to move is still a gamble. For employers, a fresh look at retention could be the ace up the sleeve they’ve been searching for.” Read David’s full article in The Herald to see what can be learned from those who are managing this successfully.