PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – June 2024

U.S. employers added 206,000 jobs in June, slightly exceeding economists’ forecasts of 190,000. The public sector led job gains with 70,000 jobs added, followed by healthcare with 48,600. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.1%, the highest level since November 2021. Year-over-year wage growth cooled to 3.9%. 

The Numbers 

206,000: U.S. employers added 206,000 jobs in June. 

4.1%: The unemployment rate rose to 4.1%.  

3.9%: Wages rose 3.9% over the past year.  

The Good  

June’s job growth surpassed expectations, with payrolls expanding by 206,000 compared to the 190,000 forecasted by economists. This marks the 42nd consecutive month of job growth, the fifth-longest employment expansion on record. The public sector, particularly local government, showed significant growth and healthcare continued its strong hiring trend, adding 48,600 jobs. Overall, gains were more broad-based than previous months. This diversity can often signal a more stable job market overall. Wage growth, while cooling, still outpaces inflation at 3.9% year-over-year—a positive sign for consumer spending and economic health. 

The Bad  

Despite the solid job gains, there are indications that the labor market is losing some steam. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.1%, crossing the 4% threshold for the first time since November 2021. This continues a gradual upward trend we’ve seen over the past year. Job openings have also been on a downward trajectory since their post-pandemic peak. While this could suggest a better balance between labor supply and demand, it also means job seekers might find the market a bit more competitive than in recent years.  

The Unknown  

The persistent question is how the Federal Reserve will interpret this jobs report in relation to its dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment. The cooling labor market, combined with easing inflation, has increased expectations for potential rate cuts— market watchers are predicting September as a possibility. However, the Fed has consistently emphasized that they’ll be looking at a broad range of economic indicators, not just jobs numbers, to guide their decisions. Therefore, future policy decisions will likely depend on upcoming economic data. 


June’s jobs report presents a nuanced picture of the U.S. labor market. While job growth remains robust and broad-based, signs of cooling are evident in the rising unemployment rate and slowing wage growth. This moderation could be seen as positive, potentially bringing the job market into better balance without a harsh downturn. However, it also means both job seekers and employers may need to adjust their expectations in the coming months. As we move into the second half of 2024, all eyes will be on whether this “soft landing” can be sustained, or if more significant shifts in the labor market are on the horizon. The interplay between job growth, wage increases and the Fed’s policy decisions will be crucial in shaping the economic landscape ahead. 

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis—May 2024

U.S. employers added 272,000 jobs in May, exceeding economists’ forecasts of 190,000. Hiring was broad-based across sectors including healthcare (+68,000), government (+43,000) and leisure/hospitality (+42,000). Despite strong job growth, there was an uptick in unemployment, which reached the highest level since January 2022 at 4.0%. Wage increases also outpaced predictions, with a year-over-year increase of 4.1%.  

The Numbers 

272,000: U.S. employers added 272,000 jobs in May. 

4.0%: The unemployment rate rose to 4.0%.  

4.1%: Wages rose 4.1% over the past year.  

The Good 

May’s job growth significantly outpaced expectations, with payrolls expanding by 272,000 compared to the 190,000 forecasted by economists. Hiring was broad-based across sectors like healthcare (+68,000), government (+43,000), leisure/hospitality (+42,000), professional services (+33,000), and even rate-sensitive areas like construction and manufacturing. The report signals the resilience of the labor market despite the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes over the past year to combat inflation. Wage growth also accelerated, with average hourly earnings up 4.1% year-over-year. For American workers, the recent stretch of sturdy job and income growth provides reassurance amid persistent inflation pressures, and according to the Wall Street Journal, most economists remain optimistic about the near-term outlook.  

The Bad 

In an otherwise stellar report, the one potential red flag was the uptick in the unemployment rate to 4.0%—the highest level since January 2022. As seen in previous months, the increase was driven both by some workers losing their jobs as well as more individuals entering the labor force. However, listed job openings have declined faster than economists anticipated. The higher unemployment rate might indicate the Fed’s rate hikes are starting to have more of a cooling effect on the jobs market. Global chief strategist at Principal Asset Management, Seema Shah, told CNBC the May jobs report was “one step forward, two steps back”. Citing that not only has job growth exploded, but wages have also increased, both the opposite of what the Fed wants to see before cutting rates.  

The Unknown 

As stated by New York Times economic reporter Ben Casselman, “Sometimes, the many numbers included in the government’s monthly jobs report come together to paint a clear, coherent picture of the strength or weakness of the U.S. labor market. This is not one of those times.” The key question is what impact, if any, this report will have on the Federal Reserve’s deliberations around potential interest rate cuts later this year. If hot hiring and wages persist, it will likely force the Fed to leave its benchmark rate higher for longer to help restrain inflation. Conversely, if momentum begins fading in the months ahead, it could open the door to rate cuts by year-end. Before the release of the May report, markets had priced in over a 50% chance of a rate cut by September. However, the combination of robust hiring, accelerating wage growth and a higher unemployment rate muddy the outlook. 


May’s jobs report delivered a counterintuitive picture of a red-hot labor market at a time when the Federal Reserve has been attempting to put on the brakes. The combination of soaring payrolls and revived wage pressures suggests demand for labor has yet to be tamed, even as overall economic growth is expected to downshift. However, the mixed signals in the data have left investors and economists alike scratching their heads over the Fed’s next policy moves. With their dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment, policymakers will be watching closely to determine if this job market strength is sustainable or if a more pronounced cooling is ahead. 

Revolutionizing Healthcare Staffing: The RPO Advantage

Revolutionizing Healthcare Staffing: The RPO Advantage

Attracting and retaining top talent is a massive challenge in today’s competitive healthcare landscape. Unlike other sectors, a miscalculation in hiring the wrong candidates can have severe consequences for patients.

That’s where Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) comes in.

In this ebook, Revolutionizing Healthcare Staffing: The RPO Advantage, you’ll discover how RPO can revolutionize your healthcare organization’s talent acquisition strategy. We’ll explore:

  • The unique hiring challenges facing the healthcare industry and how RPO addresses them head-on
  • The benefits of partnering with an RPO provider, from cost savings to improved candidate quality
  • Real-world case studies showcasing RPO’s impact in healthcare settings

Join the growing number of forward-thinking healthcare talent acquisition and HR leaders who have partnered with RPO providers to stay ahead of the competition. Download our ebook today!

Changing Perceptions Across Asia with a New Employer Brand for a Beverage Manufacturer 

Changing Perceptions Across Asia with a New Employer Brand for a Beverage Manufacturer

Employer Branding in Asia

Changing Perceptions Across Asia with a New Employer Brand for a Beverage Manufacturer

A global beverage manufacturer and distributor engaged PeopleScout for a localized EVP and employer brand to boost their reputation amongst emerging talent in several markets across Asia.


This global beverage manufacturer and distributor engaged in an internal strategic review of their corporate vision and purpose, which led to looking at their corporate brand and strategy for the future. The company’s people and culture team delved into how to ensure everyone in the organization is aligned with the strategy and how they could contribute to the business’s future success. Having developed a global employer value proposition (EVP) to support the strategy, a critical part of the roll out was to ensure it resonated with the specific cultural nuances of the APAC labor market, spanning such diverse countries as China, Japan, South Korea, India and Vietnam.  

The client engaged PeopleScout’s Talent Advisory team to localize their overarching EVP and employer brand to make it relevant for the candidate audience in each APAC market. It needed to be flexible in order to help them navigate cultural differences, target specific talent segments and address local recruiting challenges. 

The majority of the organization’s recruitment in APAC is for early careers and graduate talent, with roles in sales, marketing, product development, technology, consumer insights and more. There were five main challenges at play: 

  1. Emerging talent viewed working for this organization as a short-term option, not as a destination for a long-term career. Misperceptions about consumer goods brands in the region meant that people saw the beverage manufacturer as a place where early careers talent thrives, rather than where all talent thrives.
  2. In some Asian markets, there’s a lot of pressure on early careers employees to choose the right career. The consumer goods industry is not seen as a prestigious career path. 
  3. Cultural sensitivities around alcoholic beverages—which this client specializes in—created an additional challenge to overcome in some of their Asian markets. 
  4. The beverage manufacturer owns a portfolio of multiple well-known consumer brands and different brands are stronger in different markets. But, the client’s corporate employer brand itself is not well known. They needed to find a way to capitalize on their consumer brands to create recognition for their employer brand. 
  5. The beverage manufacturer was struggling to recruit for emerging roles in fields such as digital and data science, as their brand was not associated with these types of jobs. 

We set out to create a new employer brand that would help the client better manage candidate expectations, inject authenticity into their messaging and solidify what they had to offer emerging talent in APAC. 


We started with a comprehensive exploration of data from multiple sources including competitive analysis, industry benchmarking, employer review sites, campus surveys, employee engagement surveys and exit interviews. Through the rigorous analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, we identified gaps and opportunities for each market.  

We also conducted visionary interviews with leaders in APAC to understand how they were executing the corporate strategy locally and how local culture in their various markets would impact this vision. This helped us to understand the aspiration for the employee experience and the behaviors that the business needed to achieve success. 

Then, we spoke to employees across key talent groups and demographics through a series of focus groups to understand their real working experience. From conducting previous projects in Asia, we knew that we had to be creative in the ways we gathered insights to respect cultural norms while still gathering good intel. We came away with a clear picture of what attracted and motivated talent across career stages and cultures as well as what could lead to attrition. 

With this in hand, we built an EVP framework that laid out the “give and get” for employees in each market. The framework was designed to leverage the corporate EVP whilst being flexible enough to resonate in each country. Certain messages could be dialed up or down to match the attractors and motivators for talent in each country. We rigorously tested the framework with employees in each market to stretch and test each brand pillar and ensure the EVP was both robust and future-proof.  

The next stage was to bring the employer brand to life with a universal creative platform for the APAC business tied to the manufacturer’s consumer brands in markets where the group brand was unknown.  

To create sharable content for the client’s careers site and social media channels, we interviewed more employees, gathering stories to boost authenticity through both written and video content.   


As a result of the employer brand engagement, PeopleScout produced the following outputs for the beverage manufacturer: 

  • A robust, validated EVP framework with clear promises for talent in each Asian market. 
  • Insights into key attractors and motivators for each talent segment to inform their future sourcing strategy. 
  • An employer brand and messaging framework to inform talent attraction campaigns. 
  • Localized recruitment marketing toolkit for each country to activate their new employer brand for various languages and cultures.  
  • A roadmap for people and culture initiatives to drive employee engagement and retention. 
  • Recruitment marketing collateral to support campus recruitment in China for the next academic year.  

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Global beverage manufacturer
  • INDUSTRY: Consumer Goods
  • LOCATIONS: China, Japan, South Korea, India and Vietnam

PeopleScout Company Overview

PeopleScout Company Overview

Global talent solutions providing unmatched scalability to meet the professional, specialist, volume and contingent hiring needs of organizations of all sizes and sectors.

Download this fact sheet to learn more.

Learn more about PeopleScout’s award-winning talent solutions.

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Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

Our complete six-piece toolkit gives you the essential information on how RPO can boost your recruitment outcomes.

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Global Hiring and Labor Market Trends Affecting Recruitment in APAC 

Global Hiring and Labor Market Trends Affecting Recruitment in APAC 

Check out these labor market trends in APAC and their effect on talent acquisition in the region.

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis—April 2024

U.S. employers added 175,000 jobs in April, falling short of the 240,000 estimate. Consistent with recent trends, the healthcare and social assistance sectors saw the greatest increase with 56,000 and 31,000 jobs added respectively. Other industries with significant growth included transportation and warehousing, and retail. The unemployment rate increased slightly to 3.9%, despite expectations that it would remain steady at 3.8%. Year-over-year wage growth rose to 3.9%. 

The Numbers 

175,000: U.S. employers added 175,000 jobs in March.  

3.9%: The unemployment rate rose to 3.9%.  

3.9%: Wages rose 3.9% over the past year.  

The Good 

While job numbers fell short of expectations, the increase is still strong by historical standards. Many economists say the moderate pace of hiring, coupled with last month’s slowed wage growth, are just what the Federal Reserve hopes to see, after keeping interest rates at a two-decade high to fight persistently high inflation. The report was published just two days after the Fed voted to hold borrowing rates steady. Hourly earnings rose 0.2% from March and 3.9% over last year, both below estimates, alleviating concerns of wage growth-driven inflation. The New York Times reported strong labor participation, with women between the ages of 25 and 54—considered prime working years—reaching their highest participation rate ever, at 78%.  

The Bad 

Last month’s hiring was down significantly from the blockbuster increase of 315,000 in March and fell short of the 240,000 gain economists had predicted for April. The majority of job gains were seen within select industries—with healthcare accounting for a third of April’s job growth. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, slowed growth was particularly notable in the government, leisure and hospitality, and construction sectors. Consumers have begun reporting signs of a deteriorating job situation and are feeling less positive about the job market and are concerned about future business conditions, job availability and income, according to respondents of a recent Conference Board survey.  

The Unknown 

The April jobs data should help Fed officials regain confidence that inflation will drop to their target of 2%, but it’s going to take time. While Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said it’s unlikely rates will be raised further, the Wall Street Journal reported he has also indicated it will likely take more than a small increase in the unemployment rate—like that seen in April’s report—for the Fed to respond by lowering interest rates. Economists agree conditions could shift quickly, with the demand for workers already easing as job openings decline and fewer workers are voluntarily leaving their jobs.  


The U.S. job market may be cooling as some experts have been anticipating for a while. While this could mean rate cuts will follow, the Fed has made it clear that one month of jobs data will have little impact on their decisions. Instead, officials will look at economic data in totality, keeping a close eye on the job market while maintaining their wait-and-see approach.  

Connect More™: How PeopleScout is Elevating Your Connection to Talent 

In a world where the talent market is constantly evolving, PeopleScout knows that cultivating deeper, more meaningful connections is imperative. Now, as we unveil a refreshed identity, we build on the service we’ve delivered for over 30 years, delivering more insights, more imagination and more integrity.  

Connect More™ is our guiding principle. It reflects our unique approach that blends experience, insight and action to help employers build powerful connections with talent. 

We’re redefining what it means to a be talent acquisition partner.  

Too often we hear from clients about experiences they’ve had with other talent solutions providers in which one thing was said during the sales pitch only to have the stakes change once the ink was dry. Or times they’ve been forced into cookie-cutter processes that don’t support their unique needs. 

That’s why at PeopleScout we strive to do the opposite. We believe in keeping promises. We believe that listening creates a better experience and leads to better outcomes. We’re not perfect, but if we mess up, we make it right. 

We’re proud and humbled to say that this philosophy has led to some of the most enduring client relationships in the talent acquisition space—a testament to our commitment to creating connections that are truly meaningful. 

PeopleScout’s refreshed brand is grounded in differentiators that drive tangible value for our clients:  

Proven Delivery 

For over 30 years, PeopleScout has built our services on integrity, building trust through transparent communication and a proven track record of success.  

What That Means for You: 

You get a talent partner like no other to help you tackle your workforce challenges—large and small. Plus, as part of the TrueBlue family of brands, we are uniquely positioned to handle complex talent programs like no other firm in the world. 

Meaningful Connections 

PeopleScout has the demonstrated ability to connect with the most sought-after talent. From software engineers to neonatal nurses.  From Seattle to Singapore. 

What That Means for You: 

Our global delivery centers offer talent solutions across North America, EMEA and APAC, meaning we can grow with you as your needs change.  

Talent Advisory 

With one of the largest in-house talent advisory teams in the industry, we’ve got a wide range of experience with talent audiences across industries, skill sets, demographics and geographies. We are problem-solvers, creatives, organizational psychologists and operational experts.  

What That Means for You: 

Whether you need an award-winning candidate attraction campaign, a differentiated employer brand, market insights to fuel big decisions, a memorable candidate assessment experience or DE&I consulting—we have fresh ideas to help you stand out as an employer of choice. 

Data & Insights  

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. We’re dedicated to arming you with the sharable, digestible insights you need to tell the right stories in your business so you can stand out and get ahead.  

What That Means for You: 

You can capitalize on the latest market analysis, AI tools, thought leadership and competitive intelligence to supercharge your people strategy.  

Human Touch  

We bring a personal touch to our engagement with passive candidates that ignites excitement about your opportunities. From the second we grab the candidate’s attention to the minute they walk through the door—we deliver a seamless candidate experience that turns applicants into advocates. 

What That Means for You: 

Whether you need to fill executive, leadership or niche roles our global search teams deliver top-notch, future-ready talent. 

Digital Transformation  

As digital transformation reaches talent acquisition, we’re helping our clients get ahead. Affinix™, PeopleScout’s proprietary talent technology suite, provides candidates with a digital-first experience and leverages AI, automation and data analytics to remove friction and improve outcomes. Plus, we’re on top of the latest tech solutions, testing new ways that AI and machine learning can create results for our clients. 

What That Means for You: 

You get an upgraded tech-stack that delivers a consumer-like, mobile-first experience for candidates and a frictionless, informed journey for hiring managers. 

Ultimate Scalability  

We’ve scaled up to handle the full-cycle, global recruitment of tens of thousands of annual hires for one of the world’s largest hotel brands. We’ve scaled down to hire a few dozen specialist engineers for an automotive start up. And we’ve handled everything in between.  

What That Means for You: 

Whether you need specialty, professional, volume or contingent hiring solutions—our unique blend of insight, creativity and technology creates an employer brand-steeped candidate experience talent will never forget.  

Speed and Agility  

In this tumultuous era, talent acquisition teams are struggling to respond quickly to sudden fluctuations and hiring peaks. That’s why we’ve created flexible solutions like Accelerate™ and Amplifiers™. Purpose-built for modern talent programs, our solutions provide employers with the agility required to compete in today’s talent market, address immediate hiring needs and deliver results faster.   

What That Means for You: 

You get focused support for peak hiring, hard-to-fill positions, compressed time frames and more—however it works best for you—without the lengthy implementation.  


Organizations of all sizes trust PeopleScout’s efficient recruiting processes and quick-deploy solutions that improve time-to-hire and retention rates, delivering the best talent matches and maximizing ROI. 

What That Means for You: 

We measure our every move, idea and recommendation—so you know you’re spending your budget where it matters most. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) 

DE&I is top of mind for talent leaders, including all of us at PeopleScout. While much progress has been made, there’s still work to be done. That’s why every PeopleScout solution has a DE&I component. PeopleScout integrates DE&I best practices into every solution, helping clients build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.   

What That Means for You: 

We’ll help you gain a better grasp of where you are, where you need improvement and how to find the right path forward. 

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Connection with Talent? 

PeopleScout’s deep expertise in recruitment, employer branding, talent attraction and recruitment technology makes us a recognized leader in talent acquisition. We connect clients around the world with the talent they need through Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Managed Service Provider (MSP), Total Workforce Solutions, and talent and technology advisory services.  

If you’re ready to elevate your connection with talent, let’s connect

Talent Consulting from PeopleScout Lays the Foundation for a Winning RPO Partnership 

Talent Consulting from PeopleScout Lays the Foundation for a Winning RPO Partnership

Talent Diagnostic

Talent Consulting from PeopleScout Lays the Foundation for a Winning RPO Partnership

When a world-famous consumer goods brand split into two separate companies, their talent acquisition team needed help developing a sustainable strategy to support the future growth of two brands. They turned to PeopleScout and our Talent Diagnostic solution for help optimizing their talent acquisition strategy to prepare for this critical transition.


A world-famous consumer goods brand that specialized in breakfast foods and snacks engaged PeopleScout to support an over-extended in-house recruitment team. With our Recruiter On-Demand™ solution, our flex recruiters augmented their team, and we provided some much-needed sourcing technology through our Affinix™ CRM.   

After a three-year partnership, the company split into two brands, one for breakfast cereals and one for snacks, throwing the talent acquisition team into new territory.  


To support the transition to two distinct companies—and two talent acquisition teams—the client engaged PeopleScout for our Talent Diagnostic solution, part of the Amplifiers™ suite. They wanted an objective analysis of their talent acquisition model, including a renewed focus on finding high-quality candidates in highly competitive rural markets. 

PeopleScout facilitated over 20 interviews with various stakeholders and assessed the entire talent lifecycle. Our final report gave an overview of:  

  • The current state of their talent lifecycle  
  • Recommendations to streamline their processes and create a more consistent candidate experience to improve quality and equity 
  • Technology recommendations and tactics to optimize their recruitment channels for larger, more diverse candidate pools 


Following the presentation of the findings from the Talent Diagnostic, the client engaged PeopleScout for full-cycle RPO for their new snack brand to execute the recommendations we developed.  

“The expertise from the PeopleScout team created a big lift with little lead time and a tight timeline for deliverables. I appreciate their thoughts, partnership and flexibility while we worked to align our approach with HR and our leadership.”

HR Director, Global Consumer Goods Brand 

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Global consumer goods brand
  • INDUSTRY: Consumer Goods
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Talent Advisory, Affinix
  • ABOUT THE CLIENT: This multinational food manufacturing company specializes in breakfast and snack foods that are manufactured and marketed in over 180 countries.

Talent Mapping

PeopleScout Amplifiers™: Talent Mapping

As part of our suite of modular recruiting solutions, Amplifiers™, PeopleScout Talent Mapping helps you unlock the secrets of your talent segments and make better workforce planning decisions. Our experts harness research and analytics to illuminate talent availability, salary benchmarks and more in each of your regions.

Download this fact sheet to learn more.

Learn more about PeopleScout’s Amplifiers™ and get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

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Debunking RPO Myths: How Savvy Talent Leaders Separate Fact from Fiction

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[On-Demand] Modular RPO: Amping Up Your Recruitment Strategy
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[On-Demand] Modular RPO: Amping Up Your Recruitment Strategy

Learn how modular RPO solutions can target your specific recruitment challenges and amplify your talent program.

6 Benefits of Modular RPO in a Challenging Economy

6 Benefits of Modular RPO in a Challenging Economy

Learn how recruitment support in the form of modular RPO is a cost-effective way to augment your recruitment capabilities where you need it most.  

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis—February 2024

U.S. employers added 275,000 jobs in February, outpacing expectations and exceeding January’s gain, illustrating that the labor market remains strong despite high interest rates, inflation and slowing economic indicators.  Unemployment rose to 3.9%, the highest rate since January 2022. Year-over-year wage growth rose to 4.3%. 

talent insights

The Numbers 

275,000: U.S. employers added 275,000 jobs in February.  

3.9%: The unemployment rate rose to 3.9%.  

4.3%: Wages rose 4.3% over the past year.  

The Good 

February’s jobs report outpaced expectations and even exceeded January’s adjusted gain of 229,000 jobs, marking the third straight month of seasonally adjusted gains over 200,000 and the 38th consecutive month of growth, as reported by the New York Times. While January’s numbers caused concerns among economists and investors that price pressures were resurfacing, the Labor Department made substantial changes to those numbers with the release of the February report, reducing those fears. Confidence is growing among investors as the U.S. economy continues to show resilience against the highest interest rates in over 20 years while delivering consistent job growth and some of the lowest unemployment rates in recent history. Another positive sign can be seen in labor force participation rates, which jumped to 83.5% for people in their prime working years—ages 25 to 54. 

The Bad 

Despite the headline job growth numbers exceeding expectations, experts are seeing signs of a gradual slowdown. The overall unemployment rate rose to 3.9%, the highest it’s been since January 2022, and wage growth slowed. The increase in unemployment from 3.7% in January was driven by people losing or leaving jobs as well as an increase in individuals entering the labor force. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, even though the index is elevated compared to prepandemic levels, the labor market is likely to cool off, with modest job gains expected through Q3 and Q4 of 2024. 

The Unknown 

The Federal Reserve is keeping an eye on the labor market as it contemplates potential changes to interest rates. Fed officials meet on March 19-20 and are expected to leave rates unchanged at that time. If job growth remains steady and the labor market is so strong that wages rise quickly, price increases are likely to persist as companies try to cover their costs. However, if the job market begins to slow significantly, the Fed may consider earlier interest rate cuts.  


The February jobs report paints the picture of a labor market that is gradually downshifting with steady hiring and cooling wage growth increasing the likelihood that the U.S. will achieve a “soft landing” and bring inflation down without a recession. Moderate job and pay gains suggest the economy will continue to expand without the risk of reaccelerating inflation, giving the Federal Reserve the confidence they’re seeking to cut rates this year.